Natacha Quester-Séméon

Entrepreneure humaniste | stratégiste digital, coach numérique | journaliste, chroniqueuse

Natacha Quester-Séméon

Entrepreneure humaniste | stratégiste digital, coach numérique | journaliste, chroniqueuse


Mobile – Very significant: 60% of mobile Web usage is now taking place at home

Initiative mobile chart

The so-called third screen is increasingly finding itself at home alongside the TV and computer screens, according to a new study. The report, by media agency Initiative, found that 60% of mobile Web usage is now taking place at home, bringing smartphones closer to the promise of being « always on » devices.

Nearly a third (30%) of smartphone users start their day with the mobile Internet and 45% end their day with it, with the peak time for use while relaxing at home in the evening (64%).

source via @FredMartinent et @SachaQS

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